Friday, October 4, 2019

Strategic Plan for a Popcorn vending business Research Paper

Strategic Plan for a Popcorn vending business - Research Paper Example The names of management team members are John Smith, Jessica Wilson, Michelle Williams, Peter D’Souza and Tracy Crosby; the company was founded to meet the growing demand of high quality and efficient popcorn vending machines. The company has grown from one location in a shopping mall to five different locations in various parts of the town; the expansion has been done in a period of two years and it is expected that the number of locations will expand further in future as vending machine industry is expected to grow at an accelerating rate of about 10% (Gerdees, 4). In order to penetrate further in the vending industry, the company aims to introduce new and innovative commercial vending machines for restaurants along with food and beverage equipment. Currently, the company is employing a secretary, one general manager, two supervisors, ten paid line employees and an accounting manager. Since the company is small, there is also one Human Resource Manager, one Production, Operations & IT manager and one Marketing & Sales manager. The span of control and line of communication is shown in the following figure: The management team ensures that the communication in the organization is open so that the employees can have easy exchange of information and the business plans are effectively developed and implemented. With the help of the organization chart, everyone within the organization will be aware of their reporting responsibilities that who will be evaluating their job and performance. The chart will even ensure that everything is well-organized and co-ordinated. At present, the company is manufacturing the pop corn vending machines for small organizations and it is planning to design customized popcorn vending machines in the next two years that can be placed in public places so that the pop corns are easily accessible by the people. However, the company will offer newly designed coffee vending machines along with soft drinks vending machines so

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