Wednesday, November 27, 2019

More than 20 words for snow - Emphasis

More than 20 words for snow More than 20 words for snow Here in the southeast snow all-but brought normal business life to a standstill yesterday. And its not much better today. Here in Emphasis towers were made of sterner stuff: it takes more than a few snowflakes to deter us from our vital work of showing people how to write better business documents. Like everyone else though, we have snow on the brain at the moment particularly as our boiler broke down two weeks ago. (Weve all been sitting around in hats and scarves ever since, waiting for the heating engineer to return with the right bits to mend it.) As everyone knows, the Eskimos have more than a dozen words for snow. Or is that just an urban myth? Weve broken out our grammatical snow shovels and have been doing a bit of digging to get to the bottom of the story. It seems it might be true after all too. According to Professor Anthony Woodbury of the University of Texas at Austin, there are in fact at least 15 different word groups for snow in the Yupik Eskimo language, as you can read here. Thats not as amazing as it sounds, though. In English, he counted 22. Why so many? Well the Eskimo list is bulked up by words for snow formations and meteorological terms such as pirta which means snowstorm. It includes words for which we have no equivalent, such as qanisqineq meaning snow floating on water. But the English list includes words like flurry, dusting and blizzard, as well as words weve adopted from French such as cornice and avalanche. So now you know.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The eNotes Blog Education Testing123

Education Testing123 Does more equal better?   When it concerns students essay scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SATs), that may well be the case. Milo Beckman, a fourteen-year-old student at Stuyvesant High School in New York conducted a study among his peers after becoming frustrated with the scores he received on the exam. Beckman took the exam twice, and to his surprise, discovered that his second test scored higher than the first, although he deemed the first attempt to be superior in quality. The second essay he wrote was considerably longer, but not, in the students opinion, as well written. Beckman then polled 115 students who had taken the exam in his school, asking them to count the number of words they had written. The students who wrote lengthier essays almost always received a higher score, despite the quality of the content. Beckmans results were confirmed by MIT professor Les Pereleman. (Read the full story as first reported by Elisabeth Leamy of ABCs Good Morning America here.) In other testing news, it is not just students who are being graded. Increasingly, teachers are being held accountable for the performance of their students. Houston, Texas is the latest city to announce that teachers jobs will no longer rely solely on evaluations by their principals. Until this year, 99% of teachers received satisfactory performance scores based on personal reviews. However, now student test scores will play a much greater role in deciding who is hired and fired.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Security - Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Information Security - - Term Paper Example Many businesses are solely dependent on storing information on the database. The details regarding the employee workings, salaries and the Banking activities are carries out through storing it into the database under strong security to prevent access from unauthorized access. Not only the firewall and the antivirus system provides security to a system but the system design is also needed to be done in such a way so that it provides strong security system to be decoded by the hackers and break the security. Several viruses can be planted to a system which can erase all data in a minute and even certain hard-wares can be used which can bypass the firewall and enter into the system. The login information provided at different sites for transaction process are needed to be very secured otherwise there can loss of information and hackers can steal information for unlawful activities which can incur huge loss for the account holder both in terms of monetary and data loss. For certain issue s like banking system and network activities the system should be highly secured as lack of security can cause huge loss money along with data. About Seattle, Washington based fortune 500 company is the leader of e-commerce business process globally. In the year 1995 Jeff Bezos started and then expanded gradually with wide range of products and services with international sites and strong network and customer service worldwide. claims to be the Earth’s most customer centric online service company who can provide anything that the customers’ need and they provide the lowest price possible in the market. With a diversified product line ranging from new, refurbished and also used items in various categories like jewelry, gourmet, apparel, books, music, toys, personal care electronics etc provides the solution for all under one roof (Rappa, 2010). The company operates sites at different parts of the world like United K ingdom, Japan, Canada, Germany, Italy, France and at China. The technological innovation and the growing trend in the internet industry give a great advantage for the company to innovate new features in to the site. The website provides the special search engine feature for its different items for a more customized search and helps a more easy buying process for the customers. The new AWS (Amazon web services) gives an end-to-end security and privacy in the cloud computing world for the customers and provides a more sophisticated approach than the single data center. With the new innovations day by day the company plans to expand into more geographical regions in coming years and build relation with more sellers and shoppers and implement a more secured e-commerce system for the customers (, 2011). Current business issues on Information Security follows the cloud computing technology which is the modern trend in the e-commerce system. It gives the flexibility fo r the company to expand its business and get connected to a larger mass of people with the development facility of the different application for different devices (Amazon Web Services, 2010). Figure 1: Cloud Computing (Source: India Current Affairs, 2011) But this cloud computing technique of has several security issues which are needed to be evaluated by the company for a more secured information security. Broadly these

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Explain how insights from two theoretical perspectives can be used to Essay

Explain how insights from two theoretical perspectives can be used to explore the significance of ‘gaps’, ‘silences’ and ‘absences’ in The Turn of the Screw - Essay Example Eventually, her visions also lead to the tragic end of the novella. The strange images which appear before the governess, along with her generally distracted nature, lend themselves to two different literary interpretations, Marxist and Feminist. Her own attraction to the wealth of the family which has hired her, with the potential of advancing her own financial situation, is an obsession which seems to have led to many of her visions. Her companion in taking care of the children, the illiterate Mrs. Grose, tells the governess that the person the governess â€Å"sees† around the grounds must be the former valet Peter Quint, since he was known to wear the clothes of the head of the house. But since the governess had never known him, no one else can now see him, and he had died, the most plausible explanation is that the governess’ vision is that of the head of the house. Before leaving for his country estate, she had met him in London on Halsey Street. She is described in the introduction as being impressed by him as â€Å"a gentleman, a bachelor in the prime of life...He struck her, inevitably, as gallant and splendid. She conceived him as rich, but as fearfully extravagant--saw him all in a glow of high fashion, of good looks, of expensive habits, of charming ways with women.† This quote from the Introduction is a pattern repeated throughout the story, as the governess fills in the gaps of the facts she doesn’t have with her own, mostly pleasant fantasies, at least of this gentleman who hired her. Her impressions of this man fit well into the Marxist theory of literary analysis, in which economic and social conditions are thought to override all concerns. Her obsession with the great advancement given to her by her new position becomes quite clear in Chapter III, in which her new feeling of possession would quickly be

Sunday, November 17, 2019

School Closing Essay Example for Free

School Closing Essay Abstract When I was in school many years age classes were over crowed and merely getting a seat was was an issue, and my parents paid for my education. Being a former resident of Philadelphia I completely understand why parents our out raged at our law makers. There is two sides to every story and I can truly say I understand both in this case. Politicans are also outraged by this what seems to an injustice to our future Doctors, Lawyers and law makers, which may be non exsistent in the future due to the buget crisis and our public as well as catholic schools losing the battle to low enrollment. One editor wrote (Dixon,2012) Why Isnt Closing 40 Philadelphia Public Schools National News? â€Å"In what should be the biggest story of the week, the city of Philadelphias school system announced Tuesday that it expects to close 40 public schools next year and 64 by 2017. The school district expects to lose 40% of current enrollment to charter schools, the streets or wherever, and put thousands of experienced, well qualified teachers, often grounded in the communities where they teach, on the street†. The media has a way of getting their points across however, sadly this is true and close to my heart because I grew up in philadelphia back in the late 70s early 80s and it was no walk in the park than. Closing public and parochicoal schools will merely increase crime and damage our economy even more. School Closing In early January last year the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that five catholic high schools as well as 44 elementary would be closing or merging to avoid having to close. Here we are a year later and the guns are locked, loaded and pointed directly at the inner city children. A couple weeks ago the Philadelphia public school system announced that they will be closing 37 inner city public schools. How can the children be our future and take our country to a better place if we do not invest in ther education its really sad that we have money for war but not for education. Superintendent Dr. William R. Hite (Hite,2013) introduced Philadelphia parents, teachers, and students to his â€Å"Action Plan†. The Action Plan is built around two anchor goals – improve academic outcomes for students in all schools and ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the School District. The primary objective is to align all employees’ work to six strategies and more than 50 actions. The plan also intends to signal a comprehensive overview of ongoing and future work in addition to performance metrics for accountability to families, students and community and business partners. â€Å"This Action Plan emphasizes solutions to basic problems based on evidence and facts,† said Dr. Hite. â€Å"We must use data and research more effectively than we’ve done in the past. We are getting back to the basics – doing what works and doing it well.† What Dr. Hite failed to add in his plan was a safe haven for our future (children).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Death in Beowulf, Henry IV, and Paradise Lost :: Beowulf

Death in Beowulf, Henry IV, and Paradise Lost Characters in Death view their lives in retrospect and, very often, for these characters hindsight is twenty twenty. This statement holds true for any incidence of retrospect, however. When an event has passed you take yourself out of that situation emotionally and therefore lose the emotion-controlling factor which can cloud one's perspective. Assuming an after-life does exist, one may argue that the perspective you get on your life is clear because you are no longer concerned with your human emotions. This also assumes that personal enlightenment is the issue, and no divine enlightenment intervenes. Chaucer's Palinode to Troilus and Criseyde does depict Troilus as being instilled with divine enlightenment, however, and one wonders if Troilus's epiphany manifests due to divine intervention, or merely because he is now emotionally separated from his situation. In Beowulf, the protagonist represents the perfect hero. Beowulf does everything in his power to uphold this image. He fights the three monsters for his own gratification. He traveled to another land because he was considered the only man on the planet capable of killing Grendel and he wanted to prove it. Beowulf managed himself in this manner past his prime and even then wanted to prove himself in a fight against a dragon. Although he defeats the dragon, he also meets his own demise. His death is the first time that he met defeat in any form, even though he did defeat the dragon. This defeat is the first incident that would prompt Beowulf to reconsider the importance of upholding his image. At this point any change that he may consider is much too late, proving that death is a very cruel disciplinarian. Shakespeare firmly believes that death is the great equalizer. In most of his plays at least one character realizes that after death he will become "food for worms." King and peasant, prince and pauper--no matter what your social status is you will eventually come to the same fate. Henry IV is no exception. Shakespeare's characters always reach the same conclusion about death, usually in a very sobering way. This allows his aristocratic characters to undergo a change of perspective and therefore detach themselves from the situation that they are considering. In Milton's Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve experience a similar perspective change after The Fall. When the serpent leads Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, she is both tempted and curious as to what she is missing.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Vergil as the Greatest of all Latin Poets

Vergil is generally acknowledged as the greatest of all Latin poets. He was famous in his own lifetime and was the first poet in the history of Latin literature to be the subject of lectures given by a contemporary teacher. There seemed to be a great deal of interest in him and on his rare appearances in Rome he was pointed out in the streets as if he were a celebrity. However, in his private life he was know to be very shy and preferred the quiet countryside to the pandemonium of Rome. He was born as Publius Vergilius Maro in Andes, a small village, near Mantua (Mantova), Italy on October 15, 70 BC. He had two brothers; Silo, who died in his childhood, and Flaccus, who lived to be a young man. Vergil's father, a potter and cattle farmer, worked hard to provide his son with an Aristocratic education. After he completed his studies in Cremona and Milan, Vergil went to Rome to study law and rhetoric at Epidius' academy. It was in Rome that he met Gaius Maecenas, a Roman statesman and patron of the arts, who saw Vergil's promise of greatness and sponsored his education. In addition he developed a friendship with Octavian, who later became Emperor Augustus. While in Rome, he studied alongside many prominent poets including Gaius Cornelius Gallus, Horace, and Lucius Varius Rufus. After leaving Rome, Vergil went to Naples to study under Siro. Here, he studied philosophy and also became a member of a group of Epicurean thinkers outside Naples. This group gathered in Campania, at a retreat known as â€Å"the Garden†, under the leadership of Siro, Vergil's teacher and friend. Originally, Vergil wanted to study law but he gave up after pleading only one court case and devoted himself to philosophy and literature. He spent most of his life in the countryside of Campania, but kept a house on the Esquiline Hill in Rome, which was given to him by his friend and patron Maecenas. He wrote three major works in his lifetime. Early in his career he wrote the Ecologues, a book of 10 pastoral poems. This was followed by the Georgics, a didactic poem on farm life. His last and greatest work was the Aeneid, a mythological epic poem describing the seven-year wanderings of the hero Aeneas. Vergil's first major work was composed between 42 and 37 BC. This was a ten book pastoral poem know as the Eclogues or Bucolic. It was modeled on the Idylls of Theocritus, an Alexandrian poet. Vergil's emphasis is on graceful rhymes and the description of a romantic setting in northern Italy, but he also added many realistic details such as, his father's eviction from his farm due to political seizure. The most famous of The Ecolouges, The fourth celebrates the birth of a child who is destined to usher in a new Golden Age of peace and goodwill. Critics have made definite connections between Vergil's fictional characters and real people. Some have suggested that the divine birth refers to Mark Anthony, or possibly Vergil's friend Octavian, who became Augustus, Rome's first emperor. Still others see this divine birth as a reference to the birth of Christ. His next major work was the Georgics, or Art of Husbandry, which was written from 36 to 29 BC. It is a four-book poem that described the life of a farmer. Its inspiration is said to come from the Greek poet Hesiod's Works and Days. Vergil's position as the leading poet of the age was confirmed with the Georgics publication. The poem deals with planting, caring for orchards and vineyards, stock management, and beekeeping. However, the main emphasis is on the values of Roman life, particularly the work ethic. The poem was designed to be universal in scope with the topics of war, peace, death and resurrection concluding each book. Vergil devoted his last ten years to the composition of the Aeneid. This is his last and, by far, best known work. It was written between the years of 30 to 19 BC in twelve books. Modeled after Homer's epics, the Iliad and the Odessey, the Aeneid is a mythological epic describing the seven-year wanderings of the Roman hero Aeneas, from the fall of Troy to his military victory in Italy. Aeneas, while central to the story, is more symbolic than realistic. His character exists to tell the story of the founding of Rome and to personify the Roman values of duty and responsibility. In the story, Aeneas escaped from Troy carrying his father on his shoulders and leading his young son Ascanius by the hand. He brought together a fleet of Trojans and sailed the eastern Mediterranean Sea to Thrace, Crete, Epirus, and Sicily before being shipwrecked on the coast of Africa. Here Dido, the queen of Carthage, fell in love with Aeneas. The two began to live together as husband and wife and Aeneas intended to make Carthage his home. Jupiter, king of the gods, warned Aeneas that he must leave Dido in order to continue on his destined mission to found Rome. In despair, Dido killed herself when Aeneas departed for Italy. After landing at the mouth of the Tiber River in Italy, Aeneas killed Turnus, the king of the Rutulians, in a war for the hand of Lavinia, who was the princess of Latium. According to Vergil, the Romans were direct descendents of Ascanius, the founder of Alba Longa, the mother city of Rome. The Aeneid is usually considered the first great literary epic, unlike the Iliad, which in essence is a work of oral poetry. The Aeneid was written as a deliberate attempt to glorify Rome at the request of Augustus Ceasar. The historical elements are especially prominent in books five through eight, the central portion of the poem. The Aeneid became a classic in its own day. All of Rome, particularly the royal family, followed the progress of the epic. Vergil would read aloud from rough drafts of the Aeneid to Augustus, his sister, Octavia, and Maecenas. As he refined his work during his later years, the poet led a comfortable life, devoting himself to historical research. In 19 BC, Vergil set out on a trip to Greece and Asia with the intention of revising his masterpiece. In Athens, he met Augustus and unfortunately became very ill during his stay in Greece. Augustus escorted his friend back to Brundisium, Italy, where he died before his epic could be revised to his satisfaction. To prevent the Aeneid from being read in rough form, Vergil left instructions that it be destroyed. Augustus, realizing the value of this work, intervened before this request could be carried out and assigned two of Vergil's poet friends, Varius Rufus and Plotius Tucca, to edit the manuscript for publication. The work was completed near the end of 18 BC. It achieved immediate acceptance throughout the Mediterranean as the definitive Roman epic. On his deathbed, Vergil immortalized himself with a short epitaph, which his friends inscribed above his grave. It ends with this line: â€Å"I sang of pastures, farms and rulers†. This became a touching summary of his three great works.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Summary of the Article “All Fired Up-Tapping The Rockies” by Mitchell

The article ‘All fired up-Tapping the Rockies' by John G. Mitchell appeared in July 2005 issue of National Geographic. It is an interesting commentary on energy development initiatives that are being planned for Rocky mountain region in Wyoming. The article identifies five important locations in Rocky Mountains that have been selected by the government for energy exploration. The Bureau of Land Management controls these regions and can lease them out for energy development when the right time comes. Already, Pinedale mesa has seen aggressive gas and energy development activities which have dented the beautiful landscape to a large extent. The area is laced with pipelines and there are already 500 wells that BLM plans to use for natural gas extraction purposes. The number of wells is likely to rise to more than 3,000 soon. It must be made clear that if all these regions are fully exploited, it can cause serious harm to the environment and for this reason, there is a provision in Bush administration's 2001 National energy policy report that indicates that 40 percent of natural gas resources found in Rocky Mountains will not be used because of environmental concerns. But opponents put the figures at 12 percent. It is interesting that while BLM is proposing more aggressive exploration, it has not yet fully exploited the existing leased natural gas resources. Out of close to 46,000 leases nationwide, only half were producing anything while the rest were lying idle. Why lease more land when the existing leases are not being utilized properly. Throughout this region, two types of natural gas are being targeted: tight sands gas and coal bed methane (CBM). The Powder River Basin is rich with CBM resources but extracting the gas is more costly than sands gas even though drilling costs much less. The extraction problem is also aggravated because of the water that comes out during exploration. This water has to be safely disposed off but it is highly saline and can thus cause damage to land and crops. While the officials might come up with many benefits that they feel would accrue to landowners with this kind of exploitation, the residents of the region do not agree with them. People believe that due to lack of water, the area has become unlivable. Montana's Rocky Mountain Front is another area rich in natural resources but it is less vulnerable than other parts because owners have rights to mineral under their land. However if aggressive energy developments efforts are started in this region, even these owners will be forced to allow vehicular access to neighboring wells along with pipelines and drill pads. People are furious with BLM's inability and lack of commitment to provide safer environment. Some ranchers in San Juan Basin complain that their region has become unfit for cattle because of the wells. Land erosion and pollution have made the environment hostile to cattle. The article speaks against government's energy policies and explains the environmental damages that would result due to unmitigated use of land for energy exploration. People have complained of government's failure to take into consideration environmental safeguards which has made living harder. Water resources are being brutally exploited for gas exploration when it is desperately required by the residents to meet their daily consumption needs.

Friday, November 8, 2019

bullying is a problem Essays

bullying is a problem Essays bullying is a problem Essay bullying is a problem Essay Bullying is a problem I get bullied for stupid things because of my religion and how Im always shy and weak. I find it really stupid to bully someone for their religion its their life not yours u werent born to be a Christian so why bully them for their religion when u are something different. The person being bullied is usually quiet, shy, and insecure or could be an instigator due to needing attention. The bullies may bully a sibling at home and feel the need to continue aggravating or Just may be frustrated and feels a need to vent on someone. Problems at home are a good possibility as to why kids at chool act the way they do. The one being bullied needs to speak up and cut off this unnecessary action towards them. Especially if they dont deserve it! Tell the kid being bullied to tell the bully that he/she could very well be his/her boss one day! Wouldnt that be something to go to an interview and the interviewer was the kid that you beat up on in school? The reason is the bully has insecurities. He has problems. Things you list like, weight, sexual preference, religion etc. , these are Just excuses. The bully uses them in his own mind to Justify what he is doing. What I find amusing not) is that almost all people who bully will do so when the victim is out numbered and yet they will then label him/her as weak and cant defend them self. Rather difficult when you have a person behind you ready to hold you back should you defends your self. The effects can be life long. Or for some short if the victim is driven to kill him/her self. If your getting bullied for no reason then tell them Keep talking your sh*t, cause thats ALL that you guys could do is talk but do nothing! or I really dont care if you believe me or not cause I know I went and it doesnt matter!. You allow yourself to be socially isolated. Being alone makes you look weak and vulnerable. Bullies are cowards at heart, so they will always look for the weakest link to pick on to make they feel better. Thats also why they tend to congregate in groups it makes them feel less weak. They probably resent the fact that you dont n eed them as much as they need you. Youre not the only one this is happening to. Every school has a group of kids who choose not to be in the right clique. Find those kids and hang with them. An Anti-Clique if you will. When it comes to understanding why ullies target specific kids, its important to move past the usual stereotypes. As a society, kids have been taught that weak, overweight or socially challenged individuals are worthy of scorn and disregard. As a result, they feel free to bully anyone who falls into these categories. People also wrongly believe targets of bullying somehow bring bullying on themselves. Their thought is that if the targets were stronger or different in some way then they wouldnt be bullied. They also believe that if targets want to be accepted by society and free from bullying they should change. Meanwhile, other people wrongly assume that targets deserve the bullying. They feel that targets are too sensitive, unstable or whiners and that if they were stronger they wouldnt be bullied. But in reality the problem doesnt lie with the victims of bullying. Anyone can be a target of bullying. In fact, bullying has more to do with the choice of the bully and less to do with some defect in the target. And, the responsibility for bullying always lies with the bully. So, why are individuals bullied? from personality characteristics to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Here are some common characteristics that can lead to bullying.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on Western Worldview Of Abortion And My Personal Oppinions

There are very few issues that can cause as many heated and irrational debates as much as abortion does. The matter strikes at the very heart of an individual's religious and philosophical beliefs. Does a woman have the right to terminate a pregnancy? Is it moral to do so under any circumstance? Is a fetus a living human being? The debate has raged for nearly thirty years and there does not seem to be any end to the controversy that often results in violence. Irrational individuals have even committed murder to make their beliefs heard and followed. In response to the question, some people have resulted to using qualifiers: no, abortion is not moral except if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest is one response heard, in fact, some state laws contain this condition . A very large and strong contingent of people say a very loud and aggressive no, abortion is not moral, not under any circumstance and at least as many say a very loud aggressive yes, abortion is moral; it is the woman's choice regarding her own body. The issue of abortion is filled with emotion. Despite the well-expressed arguments and the seemingly reasonable reasons supporting abortion, abortion is not moral. It is taking the life of a living being and that can never be considered a moral act. As the Roe v Wade decision reached its 25th anniversary, in fact, there was a growing sentiment in this country that abortion is murder. Perhaps this swell of support against abortion is due to the realization that legal abortion has prohibited 35 million humans from being born . In her article, A Defense of Abortion, Judith Jarvis Thomson offered a number of reasons to support abortion. She also used a number of analogies to support her opinions. Thomson conceded the point that opponents of abortion make: a fetus is a person from the moment of conception but she said that abortion is morally permissible even it means killing the fetus and offered a number of analogies an... Free Essays on Western Worldview Of Abortion And My Personal Oppinions Free Essays on Western Worldview Of Abortion And My Personal Oppinions There are very few issues that can cause as many heated and irrational debates as much as abortion does. The matter strikes at the very heart of an individual's religious and philosophical beliefs. Does a woman have the right to terminate a pregnancy? Is it moral to do so under any circumstance? Is a fetus a living human being? The debate has raged for nearly thirty years and there does not seem to be any end to the controversy that often results in violence. Irrational individuals have even committed murder to make their beliefs heard and followed. In response to the question, some people have resulted to using qualifiers: no, abortion is not moral except if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest is one response heard, in fact, some state laws contain this condition . A very large and strong contingent of people say a very loud and aggressive no, abortion is not moral, not under any circumstance and at least as many say a very loud aggressive yes, abortion is moral; it is the woman's choice regarding her own body. The issue of abortion is filled with emotion. Despite the well-expressed arguments and the seemingly reasonable reasons supporting abortion, abortion is not moral. It is taking the life of a living being and that can never be considered a moral act. As the Roe v Wade decision reached its 25th anniversary, in fact, there was a growing sentiment in this country that abortion is murder. Perhaps this swell of support against abortion is due to the realization that legal abortion has prohibited 35 million humans from being born . In her article, A Defense of Abortion, Judith Jarvis Thomson offered a number of reasons to support abortion. She also used a number of analogies to support her opinions. Thomson conceded the point that opponents of abortion make: a fetus is a person from the moment of conception but she said that abortion is morally permissible even it means killing the fetus and offered a number of analogies an...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sub-Problems in Decision Making of Business Management Literature review

Sub-Problems in Decision Making of Business Management - Literature review Example Researchers emphasize on the fact that decision making is simply a rational process or ideology that takes place within any organization. Many studies however, fail to emphasize on the fact that taking a decision involves various stages where formulating a particular decision can take time and effort, and can have multiple variables involved as well. Theorists have developed mathematical models based on averages and probabilities through which alternatives can be evaluated before taking a final decision. These models have been utilized in several industries and in various areas in order to evaluate various alternatives at hand in order to make a decision. In this context, it must be noted that even though these models allow for rational decision making in a scenario where all other variables are constant, environment plays a critical role in how businesses take their decisions. For instance, organizations where dynamism is lacking and munificence is low, it may be noted that decision s may not be as rational as dictated by the mathematical models. ... In this context, this research will particularly emphasize on some problems that are related to decision making within organizations, and evaluate why organizations face these particular problems at hand. In addition to that, the research will aim to identify various ways through which organizations can improve their decision making ability based on the answers ascertained through this research for the hypotheses formulated below. Sub-Problems in Decision Making of Business Management 1. The time and place to use programmed or non-programmed decision making is always a problem in business management. 2. Lack of dynamism affects the decision making and becomes a major problem in business management. 3. Lack of munificence negatively affects the ability of the managers to take risk. Thus affects the decision making in business management. Hypothesis Based on the fact that each organization requires a certain level of decision making at each layer within the hierarchy, following problem s have been identified in general, pertaining to decision making: 1. Mathematical models for decision making are only useful when undertaking rational decision making. 2. Decision making will not be rational if dynamism within an organization is not present. 3. Risk taking within organizations is reduced when munificence is not present within organizations. This leads to lack of rational decision making at each step within the organization. These hypotheses will be tested within the research, after conducting a detailed primary and secondary research, including review of literature and conducting quantitative research as well. Literature Review Decision

Friday, November 1, 2019

2 discussion questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2 discussion questions - Essay Example The business may also have seasonal nature. Liquidity ratios: Company A is more appealing to a potential lender – its current ratio is about the industry average while Company B’s is way less. Moreover, A’s quick ratio exceeds average (which, though, may be a sign of not very efficient cash and cash securities management). Efficiency ratios: for the industry in general average collection period decreased by 2 days in 2002, and inventory turnover increased. Turnover growth rate for both A and B was positive but less than industry average. Additionally, average collection period went up. Collection discipline and overall asset management should be examined closely. Profitability ratios: Company B has an advantage vs. A in all three categories, though both companies and the industry overall show positive growth. Using Du-Pont system (see graphs on the next page), one can see that both companies have lower than average asset turnover but B compensate for it with high operating profit margin and achieves high ROA. By dividing the book value of UPS ($16.884bln) by the number of shares (1.07bln as indicated at Yahoo Finance resource) we get book value per share of $15.78. Market value per share as of 3rd January 2007 is $74.97. For FDX, book and market value per share equal to $37.48 ($11.511bln / 307.12M ) and $109.77. UPS market value can be calculated as $74.97 per share x 1.07bln shares = $80.218 bln and its market value added is $80.218bln - $16.884bln = $63.334bln. FDX market value: $109.77 per share x 307.12M shares = $33.712 bln and market value added equals to $33.712 bln - $11.511bln = $22.210bln. A difference between book value and market value of a company exists because investing into a company is not equivalent to buying its building or production lines; it is investment into the way company’s assets are utilized,